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Mallam Abdurazzaq urges Muslims to pray for Global peace during Ramadan.

The President of Abibakr As-Sidiq Philanthropic Home Mallam Abdurazzaq Salman has called on Muslims all over the world to embrace and pray for global peace during the holy month of Ramadan. 

He enjoins billions of Muslims across the whole world to see Ramadan as a time of reflection and a time of devotion. To see it as an occasion to join with family and friends in celebration of a faith known for its diversity and a commitment to justice and the dignity of all human beings.

Abdurazzaq also urged Muslims across Nigeria and all over the world to seek and engage in prayers towards the end of Covid-19 virus which has killed many all over the world. He described the virus as a major conundrum that has put the whole world in a catastrophic situation. 

He calls on everyone irrespective of race, colour and religion to follow and adhere strictly to the Basic protective measures against the new coronavirus which includes Social distancing, washing of hands and maintaining proper respiratory hygiene.

He described Ramadan as a sacred time that provides insight into knowledge of love, beauty and truth while living a life of gratitude. It tells us that cultivating wisdom is beyond dogma and doctrine; rather the focus is on purification of the spirit.

"The experience of our physical hunger and thirst provides that divine nourishment. It is a month of self-auditing and self-evaluation, where the believers are thankful that they get one more chance to get rid of bad habits. It is a time to reorganize one’s life and establish priorities, to lay down positive habits," he said. 

"Ramadan’ is a period of Repentance, Forgiveness and as such, we must make out time to strengthen our relationship with Allah, by asking for his forgiveness and mercy,” he said.

On a final note, he prays for a peaceful coexistence among Nigerians. He enjoins Nigerians whom he describes as good ambassadors to continue instilling morals and values which are sacrosanct to human existence.

"May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon His Noble Companions and the entire Muslim generations till the day of accountability." He said.

Mallam Farid Abdulrazzaq Salman
Chief Operating Officer (ASPH)

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